



for each bottle

Pale yellow colour with golden highlights, clear and brilliant. Very aromatic nose, fruity with fresh pear and white fruit, some exotic notes, fresh pineapple. Tasty, fruity and fresh on the palate, well rounded with a smooth finish.

technical sheet

Grape variety : 100% Chadonnay.

Nature of the soils : : Chalky-clayeysoils

Plot namesand orientation : « Les champs Bouttier » à Lanciéin the plain.

Alcohol : 13 % vol.

Vine tending : Simple Guyot pruning for wire-trained vines. Prunings minced and lefton the ground. 25% seeded sodded bands. Handpicked harvesting.

Vinification and maturing: Directpressing, first racking and alcoholic fermentation at 12/14° during a month.Second racking at the end of the alcoholic fermentation. Then malolacticfermentation with stirring on the lees.

Tasting notes : Superb aromatic nose evoking citrus fruits, whiteflowers and a mineral character. On the palate, this wine is supple and round, harmonious

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